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Extract Coffee Roasters Blendtec Rapid Rinse Station

About the Blendtec Rapid Rinse Station

Make light work of cleaning your blender jugs after making smoothies, frappes and milkshakes with the Blendtec Rapid Rinser.

The Rapid Rinser is low profile and fits next to your Blendtec blender. During a busy service the rapid rinser makes cleaning jugs in between orders quick and easy. The rapid rinse station is compatible with Blendtec Wildside+ and Blendtec Fourside jars.

Blendtec Rapid Rinse Station Technical Spec

Extract Coffee Roasters Blendtec Rapid Rinse Station in use

More about Blendtec

When it comes to livening up your drinks menu, a commercial blender is a must for frappes, smoothies, and milkshakes.

Blendtec are the market leader in commercial blenders and the technical team at Extract Coffee Roasters have tested and carefully selected the machines we think are best suited to cafes, restaurants and hotels. 

Some of the stand out points which the Extract Coffee Roasters team love about Blendtec are:

  • The thick steel blades are blunt, so never go blunt, but are driven by the powerful 3.8 horsepower motor which will pulverise pretty much anything.
  • Their unique jug designs means you can make faster and more consistent drinks without having to worry about finding the sweet spot for individual drink volumes.
  • The programmable buttons mean you can pre set motor patterns to suit each drink for fast consistent service.
  • Blendtec blenders come with a 3 year parts warranty as standard, a real statement of confidence in the product.

Blendtec Rapid Rinse Station

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