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Extract Coffee Roasters - Los Huipiles - Seasonal Filter - Guatemala PNG

In the Cup

Apricot, brown sugar & praline

La Democracia, La Libertad, & San Ildefonso Ixtahuacán, Huehuetenango, Guatemala
Drinking Guide:
30g/500ml, 5-6mins brew

This delicious filter coffee comes from one of Guatemala's most famous coffee-growing regions, Huehuetenango. The combination of high altitudes, hot, dry winds, and abundant rivers and streams makes the conditions perfect for growing high-quality coffee, like this washed filter, which offers a consistently bright and clean cup with plenty of sweetness.

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High altitudes and hot, dry winds protect the region from frost and mean coffee can grow at dizzying altitudes of 2000 metres above sea level!

Growing coffee at dizzying heights of 2000 metres above sea level means transporting it is not without its challenges. However, thanks to the abundance of rivers and streams, mills can be placed pretty much anywhere, allowing producers to process their own coffee.

Los Huipiles is produced by nine farmers supported by the Volcafe Way programme, helping them to increase their profitability, productivity and overall quality. Ripe cherries are picked and pulped to remove their skins and then washed to remove the flesh of the coffee cherry from around the bean. Finally, the coffee is sun-dried before being graded and sent to us for the final stage of roasting!

This method of processing is known for producing coffees with a super consistent profile cup after cup, with bright, clean flavours and plenty of sweetness.

Seasonal Filter - Los Huipiles

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Our new KG bags are now in circulation, please note there will be a small crossover from the old design

How to brew Seasonal Filter - Los Huipiles

30g/500ml, 5-6mins brew

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Illustration of various brewing methods