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Extract Coffee Roasters - Rocket Espresso - 250g Bag - Product

In the Cup

Cocoa, Black Cherry, Molasses

Minas Gerais, Brazil & Lapaterique, Honduras
Brazil: Catuai, Mundo Novo and Bourbon / Honduras: IHCAFE 90 & Lempira
Brazil: Natural / Honduras: Washed
Drinking Guide:
Using an espresso machine try 18g finely ground coffee in, for 36g espresso out (a double shot) and a shot time of 25 to 30 seconds.
Good Stuff:
Supporting small growers in Honduras

We’re experts in curating flavour, constantly seeking the finest beans and refining our techniques to achieve the perfect cup profile. We're dedicated to enhancing the quality and taste of your coffee alongside supporting positive change within the supply chain.

Rocket brings intense dried fruit and chocolate notes from our exclusive Brazilian blend, balanced out with a bright acidic top note from Honduras.

More about Rocket Espresso

We are Extract: experts at curating flavour

At Extract, we're not just about roasting the best coffee; we're also experts at curating flavour. We're constantly on the hunt for the best beans, pushing boundaries, and tweaking parameters to deliver the perfect cup profile to our customers.

The hunt for Curadoria

In October 2023, Tommy, our head roaster, and Martin, one of our coffee specialists, headed to Brazil to understand further about the process around the selection of our exclusive Brazil blend that makes up part of our much loved Rocket and Original house espresso’s.

Extract Coffee Roasters -  Brazilian Blend

Prior to the trip Tommy worked closely with the quality team in Brazil to hone in on what this ‘perfect cup profile’ is: think intense dried fruit and chocolate vibes, topped off with a super sweet, clean finish, and a hint of raisin.

With the spec agreed, Tommy & Martin headed to Brazil to meet with the quality team at origin and immerse themselves in Brazil’s coffee supply chain. At each stage of the journey, from the buying station to the warehouse, samples are taken and meticulously evaluated to ensure they meet our exacting standards. Whether it's checking for defects or assessing the aroma and flavour profile, the quality team works hard to make sure they’re curating the perfect flavour.

Extract Coffee Roasters - Brazilian Coffee Sourcing Ethical

Once the blend is finalised, beans are packaged and make their way to Santos for shipping, where they go through one final round of sampling before making their journey to us for roasting.

Welcome to Curadoria: Extract's Exclusive Brazilian Blend.

Extract Coffee Roasters - Brazilian Coffee Farmers

Supporting farmers in Honduras

In November 2022, Tommy our Head Roaster, and Harrison, one of our coffee specialists, headed to Honduras in search of a bright acidic top note for Rocket, to balance out the chocolatey, dried fruit notes of our Brazilian blend.

Honduras Coffee Lepaterique - Extract Coffee Roasters

Being experts in the curation of flavour, we went looking for something that is consistent yet malleable so we can tinker with the flavour to get that perfect cup profile.

This particular regional community coffee comes from an area called Lepaterique, where all the smallholders are subscribed to an agronomy programme that promotes the culture of constant improvement.

Honduras Coffee Lepaterique - Extract Coffee Roasters

We fully support the work this programme carries out in Honduras, encouraging farmers to make changes to their farm, infrastructure, pruning programmes and management all to promote better quality. All these small changes make the farmers more productive and in turn more profitable. Access is then opened to the speciality coffee market, allowing these communities to sell their coffee through the right channels.

Honduras Coffee Lepaterique - Extract Coffee Roasters

Through supporting the programme, these smallholders in Honduras join us as experts in flavour curation, and at knowing how small tweaks can improve quality, creating an end product that is constantly improving. Making coffee better.

Meet the roaster

Rocket is always roasted on Bertha. A 120kg Probat roaster rescued from Bosnia in 2012. When we found Bertha, she was completely decommissioned, a pile of parts destined for scrap.

Over four years we rebuilt this machine, retro-fitting an afterburner to eliminate VOCs from it's emissions and drastically improving fuel efficiency.

Today, Bertha runs on just 40% of her original fuel consumption - a beautiful and efficient machine.


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How to brew Rocket

Using an espresso machine try 18g finely ground coffee in, for 36g espresso out (a double shot) and a shot time of 25 to 30 seconds.

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Illustration of various brewing methods