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Extract Coffee Roasters - El Osa Filter - Organic Coffee

In the Cup

Apricot Danish & Fig

San Ignacio
Bourbon, Catimor, Catuai, Caturra
Good Stuff:
Drinking Guide:
Enjoy black. French Press: 70g/litre - 8mins immersion.

The Frontera cooperative in San Ignacio produces incredible coffees whilst conserving the forests and protecting the wildlife and this mouthwatering washed filter coffee is no exception!

More about El Oso

Peru is known for being one of the best producers of organic coffee in the world. At the top of Cajamarca region, near Ecuador's border, are buffer zones of protected wildlife areas and it’s here where you’ll find the organic El Oso micro-lots.

Once harvested, the cherries are de-pulped without water, before fermentation in wooden tanks. Next, the coffee is then dried on raised beds for 24 days. Each potential contributor then has their coffee cupped before blending and bagging takes place.

Why we love El Oso Filter

The El Oso (translating as ‘the bear’) project was established with two main aims;

1) to help improve economic sustainability within the cooperative, creating consistent high-scoring organic micro-lots.

2) to contribute to the environmental sustainability of the region.

Members of the cooperative benefit from funding for agricultural training, community development, health and micro-credit. They’ve ventured into micro-lots, experimenting with processing techniques to enhance quality, supported by local processing and quality control facilities in San Ignacio and Chiclayo City.

How to brew El Oso Filter

We enjoy El Oso as a cafetiere and have opted for an extra-long immersion to really bring out the fruit notes and body in this coffee.

Use 70g of coarsely ground coffee per litre of hot, filtered water. Stir, then brew for 8 minutes and plunge halfway before serving.

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Meet the Roasters

El Oso Filter is hand-roasted on Betty, our vintage Probat drum roaster.

El Oso Filter


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How to brew El Oso Filter

Enjoy black. French Press: 70g/litre - 8mins immersion.

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Illustration of various brewing methods